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En enkel løsning til praktisk betjening af Somfy-enheder i hjemmet. Nemt og bekvemt!
Med TaHoma®-appen kan du tilføje op til tyve produkter (inklusive Velux-produkter) og oprette tilpassede scener, der automatisk styrer dit udstyr og gør hverdagen lidt lettere.
Når dine hjemmeenheder er tilsluttet appen, kan du fjernstyre dem i grupper eller hver for sig med din smartphone – eller med din stemme via intelligente højttalere.
Styr dit udstyr fra appen, hver for sig eller i grupper, uanset hvor du er.
Tutorial: Sådan styrer du dit udstyr med TaHoma-appen®
Du kan se en status for dit intelligente hjemmeudstyr direkte i appen i realtid. Hvis det er højsommer, kan du f.eks. justere dine rulleskodder, uanset hvor du er, og sikre dig, at du holder huset køligt.
Tutorial: Sådan tjekker du status for dit udstyr i TaHoma-appen®
Gør dit hjem nemmere at bo i, og spar lidt tid i det daglige, ved at oprette, tilpasse og starte dine tilpassede scener – med et hurtigt tryk eller med din stemme.
Tutorial: Sådan opretter du scener i TaHoma-appen®
Opret en skræddersyet menu ved at gemme dit foretrukne udstyr, bestemte rum eller særlige scener under "Mine favoritter". Du kan også indstille din startskærm, så den passer lige til dig. Der er tre størrelser blokke til rådighed, inkl. hurtig adgang og genvejsfunktioner.
Tutorial: Sådan tilpasser du dine favoritter i TaHoma-appen®
*Produktkompatibilitet med Apple Homekit kan variere fra land til land. Kontakt din lokale Somfy-repræsentant for at høre nærmere.
Styr det via appen: Luk alle rulleskodderne i hjemmet uden at rejse dig fra sofaen. Du skal bare bruge din smartphone og et simpelt klik. Så er det slut med at gå fra rum til rum og lukke skodder.
Styr det via stemmen: Hvis du har hænderne fulde i køkkenet, kan du f.eks. justere belysningen bare ved at bruge din stemme.
Styr det fra distancen: Hvis det er højsommer, og du f.eks. er på stranden, kan du nemt tjekke og justere dine rulleskodder derhjemme og sørge for, at huset holdes køligt (kun io).
Ubegrænset antal fjernbetjeninger: Alle i familien har hver sin fjernbetjening – jeres smartphones.
Med Connectivity kit kan du nemt styre motorer og belysning fra Somfy via en app eller din stemme.Det kan næsten ikke blive nemmere!
Administrer dit Somfy-kompatible hjemmeudstyr:
- Forbind og kontrollér dit hjem- Kontrollér produkterne i grupper eller hver for sig- Tjek og styr dine enheder på distancen- Styr det hele fra din smartphone via TaHoma-appen eller med din stemme via en kompatibel stemmeassistent
Planlagte og avancerede scener er ikke tilgængelige med Connectivity kit. Connectivity kit er ikke kompatibelt med TaHoma switchs USB-adapter og TaHoma switchs Ethernet-adapter.
Vægt (med emballage) : 0.118 kg
Bredde (med emballage) : 120 mm
Højde (med emballage) : 40 mm
1 x Connectivity kit1 x USB-strømkabel (stikadapter medfølger ikke)1 x sikkerhedsinstruktioner1 x opstartsklistermærke
CO2-fodaftrykket beregner drivhusgasemissionerne over hele et produkts livscyklus, fra udvinding af råmaterialer til slutningen af dets levetid. Denne beregning er baseret på en anerkendt international standard (ISO 14025) og er eksternt kontrolleret af Bureau Veritas. *CO2-fodaftrykket svarer til en specifik kommerciel reference, se venligst den tilsvarende Ecopassport PEP.
TaHoma switch is a smart command to centralize and connect your Somfy and other brands home equipment. It is compatible with three radio protocols: io home-control, RTS and Zigbee 3.0. It also allows Cloud and Voice Assistants compatibilities, like Google Assistant and Apple Homekit* . TaHoma switch is linked to the new TaHoma app, which allows the creation of manual, planned and advanced scenes and many other features.
Connectivity kit is the gateway to control Somfy motorizations and lighting from the TaHoma app or by voice (with an additional Voice Assistant). The Connectivity kit uses two Somfy radio protocols: io home-control and RTS. Even though they use the same app, the Connectivity kit offers less features than TaHoma switch, for example, only manual scenes can be created.
Other limitations apply to the Connectivity kit:
*note: Apple Homekit only supports (certain) io devices.
Access all your smart home equipment in a centralised way and in one click on your smartphone: control them from the TaHoma® app, individually or grouped together
In "My home" menu, you will find all the equipment of your home.
First, click on the desired equipment icon.
Then, simply control your equipment with instant and intuitive actions accessible at finger tips!
For more convenience, you can simply control your equipment directly from the main screen, without opening it.
Just click with a long touch on its icon, and access main control actions.
You want to sell your TaHoma or give it to someone else?
You can easily make a full reset of your box following this procedure.
Select the "..." menu:
Then "Configuration of the installation" menu
Select "Reset the installation"
Click on the button: Reset my installation
Then click on "No" to delete the devices paired to the gateway
Perform the reset by clicking on the confirm button
Congratulation! Your installation has been reset:
The LED of your Connectivity kit can give you information about its status:
If your TaHoma®, TaHoma® switch or Connectivity kit LED is red, it has no connection to the Internet. Please check the following ports. These ports must be enabled to connect the TaHoma® to the Internet.
The TaHoma®/TaHoma® switch / Connectivity kit accesses the following ports via external remote peers:
These must be externally accessible. Internally, a TB free port (usually > 10,000) is automatically searched for and used. The protocol that is used is shown in brackets. The installation interface can be found in different areas of your configuration menu depending on the router / firewall provider you use. Please refer to your user manual for details. Incoming connections or port transfers do not have to be set up, as the TaHoma®/TaHoma® switch/Connectivity kit works exclusively as a client.
As a new tenant or as new owner of the "house", I would like to know the process to take the lead of my equipment:
The Connectivity kit is compatible with main Somfy motors (roller shutters, gates, garage doors, interior blinds, awnings ...) and lighting. Thanks to a partnership with Velux, their io motors can also be integrated into the solution.
Connectivity kit is not compatible with Somfy's sensors, security and heating solutions, access io and RTS receivers and other brands' equipment.
You are moving out of your house but want to leave your Connectivity kit behind? Easily detach your account from the Connectivity kit following this procedure:
Then click on "Yes" to let the devices paired to the Connectivity kit
Access all your home automation system in a centralised way and in one click on your smartphone: control them from the TaHoma® app, individually or grouped together.
In "My home" menu, you will find all the equipment of your home. When you have several equipment of the same type, they will be grouped together automatically by the TaHoma® app.
First, click on the desired group.
Access simple actions in one touch for all the equipment of the group.
Or control each equipment individually, in details.
For more convenience, you can simply control your group of equipment directly from the main screen, without opening it.
Just click with a long touch on its icon, and access main control actions
When linked to a Connectivity kit, TaHoma app's features are limited. The Connectivity kit does not allow programming. However, you can create them, under certain conditions, from your Voice Assistant's app (with the use of an additional Voice Assistant).
Unfortunately, it is not possible to integrate wireless motors from other manufacturers into TaHoma®/TaHoma® switch//TaHoma® DIN Rail or Connectivity kit unless the manufacturer offers a compatible interface.
If the manufacturer offers a compatible interface, it can be possible for TaHoma / TaHoma switch only.
If at all possible, ask your property developer or the manufacturer directly.
If your TaHoma®, TaHoma® switch, Connectivity kit or TaHoma DIN-Rail V2 is already registered, you will not be able to register it again. The home automation box PIN number is associated with the user account.
Within the account, you can change the email address and therefore your username.
Somfy home automation boxes are compatible with many home equipment, from Somfy & major home equipment brands. You can add them when you start the adventure, or later at anytime.
During the first installation of your box, you will be guided by the app to pair products and devices.
You can also add new smart home product at anytime in the app by clicking in the “My home” menu.
Start by choosing the category of equipment.
You can also see the suggestions of smart home devices you already have at home and add them using the quick shortcuts!
You can also associate your device to a specific room to have a quick and easy access later.
See the dedicated tutorial
At the first connection, the update will be proposed automatically but also every time a new box version is available. The best procedure consists of switching OFF/ON the power supply. Then the update will start automatically.
You can also open your TaHoma app and click on "..." menu, then select my box. Go to update of the box and let you guided step by step. If a newer version of the software is available select install the update now or install tonight. To always benefit from the latest updates you can also select in this section the automatic update of your box.
Make your life easier by recreating the rooms of your home in the TaHoma® app. Discover how to make the best use of rooms using the smart home technology.
From "My home" menu, click on "My rooms".
Once back in the menu, find your room.
Follow the process in the FAQ: How do I know which version of home automation box I have ?
Go to the "…" menu, then "Preferences and notifications" and "Preferred default menu".
Now you can choose which menu you want to land on when opening your TaHoma app:
Without the Internet connection, you will not be able to do anything. The Internet connection is mandatory.
Your product cannot be added to the cart. System error.